Yáahl uu St’igáalaan.

Yáahl uu St’igáalaan. Raven got sick.

Yáahl uu st’igáalaan, hal st’i’áwyaagaan.  Raven got sick, he was very sick.

’Wáadluu xíl hal tlaahláayaan.  Then he made some medicine.

Gut’iláa ḵ’íit ḵ’uts hal ts’asláangaan.  He boiled different kinds of tree roots.

’Wáadluu sáng ḵwáan hal néilaan gyaan hal lagáalaan.
Then he drank it for many days and got well.

Asgáayst hal xitgwáangaan  Then he flew around

táawk uu hal diyáangaan  looking for food.

’Wáadluu, chíin k’wáan g̱ándlaay aa hal táagaan.  Then he ate a lot of fish in a creek.

Hal sk’ísdlaayaan g̱yaan xitgáay aa hal jagíyaayaan.  He got full and couldn’t fly.

Wáadluu hingáan an sáanjuudaayaan.  So, then, he just rested.

Ahljíihl uu tl’ hlgúujuu jahllíis gám ’láa’anggang.  That is why it doesn’t pay to be too greedy.

Sourced from Snewaylh Co-op Radio, Vancouver.
Text by Áljuhl and Audio by Káawan Sangáa, Compiled and edited by Giihlgiigaa Tsiij Git’anee